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Buat Kueri Pohon Dari Tabel Pemetaan Numerik dalam SQL (Format Tertentu)

Saya mengubah jawaban saya yang diberikan di pertanyaan pertama...

Akan lebih baik, jika tabel Anda akan menyimpan data relasi secara langsung di kolom yang diindeks. Sebelum Anda mengubah struktur tabel, Anda dapat mencoba ini:

Tabel dengan data uji

DECLARE @tbl TABLE ( AccountID  VARCHAR(100), AccountName VARCHAR(100));

Ini akan mendapatkan data yang dibutuhkan ke dalam tabel temp yang baru dibuat bernama #tempHierarchy

      ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY LEN(AccountID)-LEN(REPLACE(AccountID,'/','')),AccountID) AS ID
         SELECT '/' + A.B.value('.','varchar(10)')
         FROM Extended.IDsXML.nodes('/x[position() <= sql:column("HierarchyLevel")]') AS A(B)
         FOR XML PATH('')
       ),1,2,'') AS ParentPath
      ,Extended.IDsXML.value('/x[sql:column("HierarchyLevel")+1][1]','varchar(10)') AS ownID
      ,Extended.IDsXML.value('/x[sql:column("HierarchyLevel")][1]','varchar(10)') AS ancestorID
INTO #tempHierarchy
FROM @tbl
CROSS APPLY(SELECT LEN(AccountID)-LEN(REPLACE(AccountID,'/','')) + 1 AS HierarchyLevel
                  ,CAST('<x></x><x>' + REPLACE(AccountID,'/','</x><x>') + '</x>' AS XML) AS IDsXML) AS Extended

Hasil antara

| AccountID | AccountName  | ID | HierarchyLevel | ParentPath | ownID | ancestorID |
| 11        | Acc11        | 1  | 1              |            | 11    |            |
| 12        | Acc12        | 2  | 1              |            | 12    |            |
| 13        | Acc13        | 3  | 1              |            | 13    |            |
| 11/11     | Acc11/11     | 4  | 2              | 11         | 11    | 11         |
| 11/111    | Acc11/111    | 5  | 2              | 11         | 111   | 11         |
| 11/12     | Acc11/12     | 6  | 2              | 11         | 12    | 11         |
| 12/111    | Acc12/111    | 7  | 2              | 12         | 111   | 12         |
| 12/112    | Acc12/112    | 8  | 2              | 12         | 112   | 12         |
| 11/11/001 | Acc11/11/001 | 9  | 3              | 11/11      | 001   | 11         |
| 11/11/002 | Acc11/11/002 | 10 | 3              | 11/11      | 002   | 11         |

Dan sekarang pendekatan rekursif serupa terjadi seperti pada jawaban pertama saya. Tapi - karena sekarang menggunakan tabel nyata dan semua pemisahan string telah terjadi - seharusnya lebih cepat...

WITH RecursiveCTE AS
    SELECT th.*
           ,CAST(NULL AS BIGINT) AS ParentID 
           ,CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM #tempHierarchy AS x WHERE x.ParentPath=th.AccountID) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS HasChild
    FROM #tempHierarchy AS th WHERE th.HierarchyLevel=1
    SELECT sa.AccountID
          ,(SELECT x.ID FROM #tempHierarchy AS x WHERE x.AccountID=sa.ParentPath)
          ,CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM #tempHierarchy AS x WHERE x.ParentPath=sa.AccountID) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS HasChild
    FROM RecursiveCTE AS r
    INNER JOIN #tempHierarchy AS sa ON sa.HierarchyLevel=r.HierarchyLevel+1 
                                       AND r.AccountID=sa.ParentPath
SELECT r.AccountID
FROM RecursiveCTE AS r
ORDER BY HierarchyLevel,ParentID;

Dan akhirnya saya bersihkan

DROP TABLE #tempHierarchy;

Dan inilah hasil akhirnya

| AccountID | AccountName  | ID | ParentID | HierarchyLevel | HasChild |
| 11        | Acc11        | 1  | NULL     | 1              | 1        |
| 12        | Acc12        | 2  | NULL     | 1              | 1        |
| 13        | Acc13        | 3  | NULL     | 1              | 0        |
| 11/11     | Acc11/11     | 4  | 1        | 2              | 1        |
| 11/111    | Acc11/111    | 5  | 1        | 2              | 0        |
| 11/12     | Acc11/12     | 6  | 1        | 2              | 0        |
| 12/111    | Acc12/111    | 7  | 2        | 2              | 0        |
| 12/112    | Acc12/112    | 8  | 2        | 2              | 0        |
| 11/11/001 | Acc11/11/001 | 9  | 4        | 3              | 0        |
| 11/11/002 | Acc11/11/002 | 10 | 4        | 3              | 0        |

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
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