Seperti yang dikatakan kesalahan, Anda memberikan nomor atau jenis parameter yang salah.
Saya sangat merekomendasikan menggunakan sintaks parameter bernama jika Anda mencoba memanggil prosedur dengan banyak parameter ini. Jika tidak, manusia cenderung mengalami kesulitan memperhatikan ketika mereka menghilangkan parameter atau meneruskan parameter dalam urutan yang salah jika mereka mencoba mencari tahu apa yang mereka lewati untuk parameter ke-20 ke suatu prosedur. Secara pribadi, saya cenderung melakukan refactor prosedur jauh sebelum saya mencoba memasukkan 20 parameter. Sesuatu yang sederhana seperti mengirimkan satu atau dua jenis rekaman mungkin membuat kode lebih mudah dibaca dan dipahami.
Saya telah mengubah panggilan Anda untuk menggunakan parameter bernama dan menambahkan komentar untuk kesalahan yang Anda buat.
execute new_order(
p_order_id => 4, -- Pass in a number rather than using implicit conversion
p_order_num => 'O223PS562',
p_name => 'Test Test',
p_email => '[email protected]',
p_address => '123 Test Street',
p_city => 'Newcastle Upon Tyne',
p_province => 'Tyne and Wear',
p_postcode => 'NE98 4TN',
p_telephone => '123456789',
p_total => 7.97, -- Pass in a number rather than using implicit conversion
p_order_date => to_date('11-apr-2021', 'DD-mon-YYYY'), -- Pass in a date rather than using implicit conversion
p_order_item_id => 5, -- Pass in a number rather than using implicit conversion
p_product_id => 4, -- Pass in a number rather than using implicit conversion
p_seller_id => 2, -- Pass in a number rather than using implicit conversion
p_sub_order_number => 2, -- Pass in a number rather than using implicit conversion
p_quantity => 3073748221, -- Do you really want the quantity to be in the billions? That seems unlikely.
-- Perhaps there was supposed to be a phone number parameter
p_condition => '2', -- That doesn't look like a condition. Probably meant to be a unit price
p_unit_price => 'Brand new', -- Here we have a definite error. p_unit_price is a number but you can't connvert
-- the string 'Brand new' to a number. I assume that was really supposed to be the
-- condition
p_cost_charge => 1.99, -- Pass in a number rather than using implicit conversion
'2.00' -- And here we have a value being passed in but no equivalent parameter