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Kembangkan Skema Basis Data untuk Notify like facebook'/index/likestatus', function(req, res, next) {
    // Get form values   
    var username = req.user.username; //get the username from the sessions get current username who is login 
   var name =; //same as above line this time get name of user
    var like = {
             "name" : name,
            "username": username
            };// my like is embedded to every status or post store who like this status

                "_id": req.body.iid //this is status id or post id ...replace status with post in yours case 
                    "likes": like
                }//this $push save the newlike in collection 
            function(err, doc) {
                if(err) {
                    throw err
                } else {
var newnotification = new notification
({postid:req.body.iid,,type:'like',uid:req.user.username,link:'yourlocalhost/'+post_id}).save(function (err) {
                console.log(username+' has posted a new status');
        );//this save function save new notifications for a user the collection is similar to your req.body.iid is get from form u submit and its status id ,uid:req.user.username you store username in uid as i say username is _id or primary key

  1. Redis
  3. MongoDB
  5. Memcached
  7. HBase
  9. CouchDB
  1. Menggunakan Elektron dengan benar

  2. Agregasi MongoDB tampaknya sangat lambat

  3. Membangun indeks di MongoDB dengan .NET driver 2.0

  4. Transaksi MongoDB 4.0:ACID Baca + Tulis?

  5. Kesalahan saat menginstal mongodb di ubuntu 16.04