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Cara menampilkan data dari database dengan dynamic rowspan

Pertama-tama maaf untuk bahasa Inggris saya yang buruk.

Dalam kueri Anda, alih-alih melakukan pemesanan berdasarkan id_location , lakukan urutkan berdasarkan nama komponen . Dengan cara ini Anda dapat menambahkan rentang baris dinamis dengan mudah. Saya belum mengubah program koneksi Anda, tetapi saya telah mengubah bagian kedua Anda. Silakan periksa. Saya tahu ada 3 hingga 4 loop. Tetapi jika ada mayat yang ditemukan lebih baik, tolong beri tahu saya.

    $sql1 = "SELECT * FROM Lokasi ORDER BY id_location";
    $stmt1 = $dbc->prepare($sql1);

    while ($row1 = $stmt1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    echo "Location $location : ".$row1['location'];


    $query = "SELECT * 
                FROM sub_component,
               WHERE sub_component.id_component=component.id_component 
                 AND component.id_location='$data[id_location]' 
            ORDER BY component.component_name";
    $stmt = $dbc->prepare($query);

    # Declare two emty array
    $component     = array(); # Will store the components
    $sub_component = array(); # Will store the sub components

    $loop = 0;

    # Now if any data is fetched from previsous query, then fill
    # the above declared arrays.
    while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {

        $component[$loop]     = $row['component'];
        $sub_component[$loop] = $row['sub_component'];

        $loop = $loop + 1;

    # If no data fetched then I m telling 
    # No data fetched.
    if (!sizeof($component)) {
        echo 'Empty Data';
    } else {

        print "<table width='469px' border='1'>
                    <tr bgcolor='#00FFFF'>
                        <th width='109' class='rounded' scope='col'>Component</th>
                        <th width='109' class='rounded' scope='col'>Sub Component</th>

        # Now our main logic starts to print dynamic rowspan

        # Go for a loop.
        # Here the imporant is to use for loop

        $tmp_arr = array();

        $main_assoc_arr = array();

        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($sub_component); $i++) {

            array_push($tmp_arr, $sub_component[$i]);

            # If we have reached the last element
            # and in $main_assoc_arr the comonent is not exist
            # Then we will store them as following.
            if (   $i = (sizeof($sub_component)-1)
                && !array_key_exists($component[$i], $main_assoc_arr)) {

                $main_assoc_arr[ $component[$i] ] = array();
                $main_assoc_arr[ $component[$i] ] = $tmp_arr;

                # Restore the array.
                $tmp_arr = array();

                # Also get out of the loop

            # If the present component is not equal to the 
            # Next component then 
            if ($component[$i] != $component[$i+1]) {

                $main_assoc_arr[ $component[$i] ] = array();
                $main_assoc_arr[ $component[$i] ] = $tmp_arr;

                # Restore the array.
                $tmp_arr = array();

        # Now we are going to print the table with rowspan.
        foreach ($main_assoc_arr as $comp=>$sub_comp) {

            $printed = 0;
            $rowspan = sizeof($sub_comp);

            foreach ($sub_comp as $elm) {

                print "<tr>";

                # Manke sure that the column will not print
                # in each loop as it conatins dynamic array.
                if (!$printed) {

                    print "<td rowspan='$rowspan'>$comp</td>";

                print "<td>$elm</td>"
                print "</tr>";

        print "</table>";


  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
  1. Grup PHP JSON dengan nilai yang sama

  2. Bisakah Anda menggunakan beberapa kolom untuk kueri yang tidak ada?

  3. NodeJS Cara Menangani Permintaan Bersamaan Ke MySQL

  4. MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Replication.ReplicationManager melempar System.TypeInitializationException

  5. Menggunakan Pernyataan Kasus Dengan IS NULL dan IS NOT NULL