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Tampilkan berapa kali lokasi muncul di tabel masing-masing setelah opsi yang sesuai dari daftar dropdown dipilih

Jika saya mengerti dengan benar, saya yakin masalah Anda persis sama seperti yang terakhir . Anda baru saja melewatkan klausa WHERE.

Lihat apakah ini berhasil:

$con = new mysqli("localhost" ,"root" ,"" ,"user_databases");

//query buildings table for the dropdown
$bquery = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT building_ID, building_name FROM buildings");

$selectedbldg = null;

// if the form was submitted
if (!empty($_POST['bldg']))  {
    // store selected building_ID
    $selectedbldg = $_POST['bldg'];
    // the subquery is used to count how many times each location appears
    // for a particular building
    $count = mysqli_query($con, "
        SELECT lo.location_ID, lo.location_name, dt.num_visits
        FROM location lo
        JOIN (
            SELECT location_ID, COUNT(location_ID) AS num_visits
            FROM delivery_transaction 
            WHERE building_ID = {$selectedbldg}
            GROUP BY location_ID
        ) AS dt ON lo.location_ID = dt.location_ID

    // like before, better to use prepared statement

<!-- ... -->

<section class="row text-center placeholders">
    <div class="table-responsive">
        <table class="table table-striped">
                    <th>Number of Visits</th>
            <!-- PHP alternative syntax for control structures: easier to read (imo) -->
            <!-- isset function is to ensure variable $count exist as it only gets declared in the IF condition (you would get an error otherwise) --> 
            <!-- mysqli_num_rows is to check if there are any results to loop over -->
            <?php if (isset($count) && mysqli_num_rows($count)) : ?> 
                <?php while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($count)) : ?>
                    <td><?= $row['location_ID'] ?></td>
                    <td><?= $row['num_visits'] ?></td>
                <?php endwhile ?>
            <?php else : ?>
                    <td>No results to display</td>
            <?php endif ?>

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  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
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