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Login yang sama di 2 situs web

Anda mencari Skrip Sistem Masuk Tunggal menggunakan PHP. Itulah istilah yang perlu Anda cari. Model sederhananya adalah:

Situs:http://auth.local/ :

  // Get the request.
  // Validate the session.
  // Pass a Secure Hash and log the user in to the main domain.

Situs:http://site1.local/ :

  // Check if there is a session.
  // If already logged in, no problem.
  // If not, send him back to auth.
  header("Location: http://auth.local/?redirect_to=http://site1.local/");

Situs:http://site2.local/ :

  // Check if a session is there.
  // If already logged in, no problem.
  // If not, send him back to auth.
  header("Location: http://auth.local/?redirect_to=http://site2.local/");

Lihat jawaban untuk pertanyaan Bagaimana melakukannya sistem masuk tunggal dengan PHP? untuk info lebih lanjut.

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
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