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Bagaimana cara memilih subkategori dari kategori yang dipilih menggunakan fungsi bersarang di PHP?

Ada beberapa solusi. Pertama-tama, saya akan menggunakan data berikut (categories tabel) sebagai contoh.

| id | name                     | parent_id |
|  1 | Electronics              |      NULL |
|  2 | Apparel & Clothing       |      NULL |
|  3 | Phones & Accessories     |         1 |
|  4 | Computer & Office        |         1 |
|  5 | Men's Clothing           |         2 |
|  6 | Women's Clothing         |         2 |
|  7 | Cell Phones              |         3 |
|  8 | Cell Phone Accessories   |         3 |
|  9 | Phone Parts              |         3 |
| 10 | Computers & Accessories  |         4 |
| 11 | Tablets & Accessories    |         4 |
| 12 | Computer Peripherals     |         4 |
| 13 | Computer Components      |         4 |
| 14 | Office Electronics       |         4 |

Solusi 1 (Daftar Ketetanggaan ):

Anda dapat dengan mudah mengambil semua kategori atau subkategori dari suatu kategori dalam satu kueri menggunakan DENGAN (Ekspresi Tabel Umum) klausa (memerlukan MySQL 8.0):

// Database connection

$options = [

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=<DATABASE_NAME>', '<USERNAME>', '<PASSWORD>', $options);
function getCategories(PDO $db, $parentId = null)
    $sql = $parentId ? 'WITH RECURSIVE cte (id, name, parent_id) AS (SELECT id, name, parent_id FROM categories WHERE parent_id = ? UNION ALL SELECT,, c.parent_id FROM categories c INNER JOIN cte ON c.parent_id = SELECT * FROM cte' : 'SELECT * FROM categories';
    $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
    $stmt->execute($parentId ? [$parentId] : null);
    return $stmt->fetchAll();

Jika Anda menggunakan MySQL 5.7, ubah fungsinya seperti ini:

function getCategories(PDO $db, $parentId = null)
    $sql = $parentId ? 'SELECT id, name, parent_id FROM (SELECT * FROM categories ORDER BY parent_id, id) c, (select @pv := ?) initialisation WHERE find_in_set(parent_id, @pv) AND LENGTH(@pv := concat(@pv, ",", id))' : 'SELECT * FROM categories';
    $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
    $stmt->execute($parentId ? [$parentId] : null);
    return $stmt->fetchAll();

Untuk mendapatkan semua kategori di database Anda:

$allCategories = getCategories($pdo);


| id | name                     | parent_id |
|  1 | Electronics              |      NULL |
|  2 | Apparel & Clothing       |      NULL |
|  3 | Phones & Accessories     |         1 |
|  4 | Computer & Office        |         1 |
|  5 | Men's Clothing           |         2 |
|  6 | Women's Clothing         |         2 |
|  7 | Cell Phones              |         3 |
|  8 | Cell Phone Accessories   |         3 |
|  9 | Phone Parts              |         3 |
| 10 | Computers & Accessories  |         4 |
| 11 | Tablets & Accessories    |         4 |
| 12 | Computer Peripherals     |         4 |
| 13 | Computer Components      |         4 |
| 14 | Office Electronics       |         4 |

Untuk mendapatkan subkategori dari suatu kategori:

$subCategories = getCategories($pdo, 1); // 1 is parent_id


| id | name                     | parent_id |
|  3 | Phones & Accessories     |         1 |
|  4 | Computer & Office        |         1 |
|  7 | Cell Phones              |         3 |
|  8 | Cell Phone Accessories   |         3 |
|  9 | Phone Parts              |         3 |
| 10 | Computers & Accessories  |         4 |
| 11 | Tablets & Accessories    |         4 |
| 12 | Computer Peripherals     |         4 |
| 13 | Computer Components      |         4 |
| 14 | Office Electronics       |         4 |

Jika Anda menginginkan keluaran HTML, Anda dapat mengulang $allCategories / $subCategories (berdasarkan contoh Anda):

function prepareCategories(array $categories)
    $result = [
        'all_categories' => [],
        'parent_categories' => []
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
        $result['all_categories'][$category['id']] = $category;
        $result['parent_categories'][$category['parent_id']][] = $category['id'];
    return $result;

function buildCategories($categories, $parentId = null)
    if (!isset($categories['parent_categories'][$parentId])) {
        return '';

    $html = '<ul>';
    foreach ($categories['parent_categories'][$parentId] as $cat_id) {
        if (isset($categories['parent_categories'][$cat_id])) {
            $html .= "<li><a href='#'>{$categories['all_categories'][$cat_id]['name']}</a>";
            $html .= buildCategories($categories, $cat_id);
            $html .= '</li>';
        } else {
            $html .= "<li><a href='#'>{$categories['all_categories'][$cat_id]['name']}</a></li>";
    $html .= '</ul>';

    return $html;
echo buildCategories(prepareCategories($allCategories));


echo buildCategories(prepareCategories($subCategories), 1);


Solusi 2 (Set Bertingkat ):

Kami akan menambahkan kolom tambahan left dan right ke meja kami dan masukkan nomor di dalamnya yang akan mengidentifikasi kelompok milik orang tua. (Perhatikan bahwa kami tidak akan menggunakan parent_id kolom.)

| id | name                     | parent_id | left | right |
|  1 | Electronics              |      NULL |    1 |    22 |
|  2 | Apparel & Clothing       |      NULL |   23 |    28 |
|  3 | Phones & Accessories     |         1 |    2 |     9 |
|  4 | Computer & Office        |         1 |   10 |    21 |
|  5 | Men's Clothing           |         2 |   24 |    25 |
|  6 | Women's Clothing         |         2 |   26 |    27 |
|  7 | Cell Phones              |         3 |    3 |     4 |
|  8 | Cell Phone Accessories   |         3 |    5 |     6 |
|  9 | Phone Parts              |         3 |    7 |     8 |
| 10 | Computers & Accessories  |         4 |   11 |    12 |
| 11 | Tablets & Accessories    |         4 |   13 |    14 |
| 12 | Computer Peripherals     |         4 |   15 |    16 |
| 13 | Computer Components      |         4 |   17 |    18 |
| 14 | Office Electronics       |         4 |   19 |    20 |

Sekarang, kita perlu mengubah fungsi kita:

function getCategories(PDO $db, $parentId = null)
    $sql = $parentId ? 'SELECT children.* FROM categories parent INNER JOIN categories children ON parent.left < children.left AND parent.right > children.left WHERE = ?' : 'SELECT * FROM categories';
    $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
    $stmt->execute($parentId ? [$parentId] : null);
    return $stmt->fetchAll();

Untuk mendapatkan semua kategori di database Anda:

$allCategories = getCategories($pdo);


| id | name                     | parent_id | left | right |
|  1 | Electronics              |      NULL |    1 |    22 |
|  2 | Apparel & Clothing       |      NULL |   23 |    28 |
|  3 | Phones & Accessories     |         1 |    2 |     9 |
|  4 | Computer & Office        |         1 |   10 |    21 |
|  5 | Men's Clothing           |         2 |   24 |    25 |
|  6 | Women's Clothing         |         2 |   26 |    27 |
|  7 | Cell Phones              |         3 |    3 |     4 |
|  8 | Cell Phone Accessories   |         3 |    5 |     6 |
|  9 | Phone Parts              |         3 |    7 |     8 |
| 10 | Computers & Accessories  |         4 |   11 |    12 |
| 11 | Tablets & Accessories    |         4 |   13 |    14 |
| 12 | Computer Peripherals     |         4 |   15 |    16 |
| 13 | Computer Components      |         4 |   17 |    18 |
| 14 | Office Electronics       |         4 |   19 |    20 |

Untuk mendapatkan subkategori dari suatu kategori:

$subCategories = getCategories($pdo, 1); // 1 is parent_id


| id | name                     | parent_id | left | right |
|  3 | Phones & Accessories     |         1 |    2 |     9 |
|  4 | Computer & Office        |         1 |   10 |    21 |
|  7 | Cell Phones              |         3 |    3 |     4 |
|  8 | Cell Phone Accessories   |         3 |    5 |     6 |
|  9 | Phone Parts              |         3 |    7 |     8 |
| 10 | Computers & Accessories  |         4 |   11 |    12 |
| 11 | Tablets & Accessories    |         4 |   13 |    14 |
| 12 | Computer Peripherals     |         4 |   15 |    16 |
| 13 | Computer Components      |         4 |   17 |    18 |
| 14 | Office Electronics       |         4 |   19 |    20 |

Anda dapat merender HTML seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Solusi 1 . Baca selengkapnya tentang memperbarui dan menyisipkan data baru dalam model kumpulan bersarang.

Sumber &Bacaan:

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
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