Saya tidak memiliki pengalaman dengan DBIx::Connection, tetapi saya menggunakan DBIx::Connector (pada dasarnya apa yang DBIx::Class gunakan secara internal, tetapi sebaris) dan itu luar biasa...
Saya menggabungkan koneksi ini dengan pembungkus objek Moose yang mengembalikan instance objek yang ada jika parameter koneksi identik (ini akan berfungsi sama untuk objek DB yang mendasarinya):
package MyApp::Factory::DatabaseConnection;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Moose;
# table of database name -> connection objects
has connection_pool => (
is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef[DBIx::Connector]',
traits => ['Hash'],
handles => {
has_pooled_connection => 'exists',
get_pooled_connection => 'get',
save_pooled_connection => 'set',
default => sub { {} },
sub get_connection
my ($self, %options) = @_;
# some application-specific parsing of %options here...
my $obj;
if ($options{reuse})
# extract the last-allocated connection for this database and pass it
# back, if there is one.
$obj = $self->get_pooled_connection($options{database});
if (not $obj or not $obj->connected)
# look up connection info based on requested database name
my ($dsn, $username, $password) = $self->get_connection_info($options{database});
$obj = DBIx::Connector->new($dsn, $username, $password);
return unless $obj;
# Save this connection for later reuse, possibly replacing an earlier
# saved connection (this latest one has the highest chance of being in
# the same pid as a subsequent request).
$self->save_pooled_connection($options{database}, $obj) unless $options{nosave};
return $obj;