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Keluar dari parameter perintah diteruskan ke xp_cmdshell ke dtexec

Singkatnya, masukkan CMD /S /C " di awal, dan " pada akhirnya. Di antara Anda dapat memiliki kutipan sebanyak yang Anda suka.

Begini caranya:

declare @cmd varchar(8000)
-- Note you can use CMD builtins and output redirection etc with this technique, 
-- as we are going to pass the whole thing to CMD to execute
set @cmd = 'echo "Test" > "c:\my log directory\logfile.txt" 2> "c:\my other directory\err.log" '

declare @retVal int
declare @output table(
    ix int identity primary key,
    txt varchar(max)

-- Magic goes here:
set @cmd = 'CMD /S /C " ' + @cmd + ' " '

insert into @output(txt)
exec @retVal = xp_cmdshell @cmd
insert @output(txt) select '(Exit Code: ' + cast(@retVal as varchar(10))+')'

select * from @output

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
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