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Bagaimana cara menyalin tabel menghindari kursor dalam SQL?

Anda dapat menggunakan klausa keluaran dengan pernyataan gabungan untuk mendapatkan pemetaan antara id sumber dan id target. Dijelaskan dalam pertanyaan ini. Menggunakan merge..output untuk mendapatkan pemetaan antara source.id dan target.id

Berikut adalah beberapa kode yang dapat Anda uji. Saya menggunakan variabel tabel bukan tabel nyata.

Siapkan data sampel:

-- @A and @B is the source tables
declare @A as table
  id int,
  FK_A_B int,
  name varchar(10)

declare @B as table
  id int,
  visible bit

-- Sample data in @A and @B
insert into @B values (21, 1),(32, 0)
insert into @A values (1, 21, 'n1'),(5, 32, 'n2')

-- @C and @D is the target tables with id as identity columns
declare @C as table
  id int identity,
  FK_C_D int not null,
  name varchar(10)

declare @D as table
  id int identity,
  visible bit

-- Sample data already in @C and @D
insert into @D values (1),(0)
insert into @C values (1, 'x1'),(1, 'x2'),(2, 'x3')

Salin data:

-- The @IdMap is a table that holds the mapping between
-- the @B.id and @D.id (@D.id is an identity column)
declare @IdMap table(TargetID int, SourceID int)

-- Merge from @B to @D.
merge @D as D             -- Target table
using @B as B             -- Source table
on 0=1                    -- 0=1 means that there are no matches for merge
when not matched then
  insert (visible) values(visible)    -- Insert to @D
output inserted.id, B.id into @IdMap; -- Capture the newly created inserted.id and
                                      -- map that to the source (@B.id)

-- Add rows to @C from @A with a join to
-- @IdMap to get the new id for the FK relation
insert into @C(FK_C_D, name)
select I.TargetID, A.name 
from @A as A
  inner join @IdMap as I
    on A.FK_A_B = I.SourceID


select *
from @D as D
  inner join @C as C
    on D.id = C.FK_C_D

id          visible id          FK_C_D      name
----------- ------- ----------- ----------- ----------
1           1       1           1           x1
1           1       2           1           x2
2           0       3           2           x3
3           1       4           3           n1
4           0       5           4           n2

Anda dapat menguji kode di sini:https://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/q/101643/using-merge-to-map-source-id-to-target-id

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
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