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Memasukkan Data SQL Server ke Salesforce dengan Kursor

Blog ini memberikan contoh mentransfer data dari tabel SQL Server lokal ke Salesforce. Kami menggunakan Driver ODBC Salesforce.com untuk memasukkan tiga catatan ke tabel Salesforce Product2.

  1. Konfigurasikan server tertaut yang terhubung ke Salesforce.
  2. Di SQL Server Management Studio, ubah Server Tertaut> Properti Server Tertaut> Opsi Server> RPC Keluar pengaturan ke True.
  3. Buat tabel ini di SQL Server:
    create table NewProducts ( "Name" nvarchar(30), ProductCode nvarchar(10), Description nvarchar(max))
    insert into NewProducts values ( 'Test1', 'TEST01', 'Test 1st description')
    insert into NewProducts values ( 'Test2', 'TEST02', '2nd description' )
    insert into NewProducts values ( 'Test3', 'TEST03', '3rd Test description')

    Anda dapat memasukkan data ke salah satu kolom di tabel Product2, dengan asumsi Anda memiliki izin yang diperlukan.

  4. Jalankan SQL berikut:
    -- Declare a variable for each column you want to insert:
    declare @Name nvarchar(30)
    declare @ProductCode nvarchar(10)
    declare @Description nvarchar(max)
    -- Use a cursor to select your data, which enables SQL Server to extract
    -- the data from your local table to the variables.
    declare ins_cursor cursor for 
            select "Name", ProductCode, Description from NewProducts
        open ins_cursor
        fetch next from ins_cursor into @Name, @ProductCode, @Description -- At this point, the data from the first row
                                                                          -- is in your local variables.
        -- Move through the table with the @@FETCH_STATUS=0 
        while @@FETCH_STATUS=0
             -- Execute the insert to push this data into Salesforce. Replace "SF_LINK" with the name of your Salesforce Linked Server.
            exec ('insert into Product2 ( "Name", ProductCode, Description ) Values (?, ?, ?)', @Name, @ProductCode ,@Description ) at SF_LINK
             -- Once the execution has taken place, you fetch the next row of data from your local table.
            fetch next from ins_cursor into @Name, @ProductCode, @Description
        -- When all the rows have inserted you must close and deallocate the cursor.
        -- Failure to do this will not let you re-use the cursor.    
        close ins_cursor
        deallocate ins_cursor

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