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Buka kursor untuk nama tabel dinamis dalam prosedur PL/SQL

Saya akan melakukan ini sebagai pernyataan insert-as-select tunggal, hanya diperumit oleh fakta bahwa Anda meneruskan table_name, jadi kita perlu menggunakan sql dinamis.

Saya akan melakukannya seperti:

                                      p_chunk_size IN NUMBER,
                                      p_row_limit  IN NUMBER) AS

  v_table_name VARCHAR2(32); -- 30 characters for the tablename, 2 for doublequotes in case of case sensitive names, e.g. "table_name"

  v_insert_sql CLOB;
  -- Sanitise the passed in table_name, to ensure it meets the rules for being an identifier name. This is to avoid SQL injection in the dynamic SQL
  -- statement we'll be using later.
  v_table_name := DBMS_ASSERT.ENQUOTE_LITERAL(p_table_name);

  v_insert_sql := 'insert into chunks (common_column_name, chunk_number)'||CHR(10)|| -- replace the column names with the actual names of your chunks table columns.
                  'select common_column,'||CHR(10)||
                  '       ora_hash(substr(common_column, 1, 15), :p_chunk_size) AS chunk_number'||CHR(10)||
                  'from   '||v_table_name||CHR(10)||
                  'where  rownum <= :p_row_limit';

  -- Used for debug purposes, so you can see the definition of the statement that's going to be run.
  -- Remove before putting the code in production / convert to proper logging code:

  -- Now run the statement:
  EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_insert_sql USING p_chunk_size, p_row_limit;

  -- I've included the p_row_limit in the above statement, since I'm not sure if your original code loops through all the rows once it processes the
  -- first p_row_limit rows. If you need to insert all rows from the p_table_name into the chunks table, remove the predicate from the insert sql and the extra bind variable passed into the execute immediate.
END some_name;

Dengan menggunakan satu pernyataan insert-as-select, Anda menggunakan cara paling efisien dalam melakukan pekerjaan. Melakukan pengumpulan massal (yang Anda gunakan) akan menghabiskan memori (menyimpan data dalam array) dan menyebabkan pengalihan konteks tambahan antara mesin PL/SQL dan SQL yang dihindari oleh pernyataan insert-as-select.

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
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