Saya biasanya tidak menulis program contoh lengkap untuk orang, tetapi Anda tidak memintanya dan ini cukup sederhana, jadi ini dia:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import psycopg2
import argparse
db_conn_str = "dbname=regress user=craig"
create_table_stm = """
id serial primary key,
orig_filename text not null,
file_data bytea not null
def main(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser_action = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
parser_action.add_argument("--store", action='store_const', const=True, help="Load an image from the named file and save it in the DB")
parser_action.add_argument("--fetch", type=int, help="Fetch an image from the DB and store it in the named file, overwriting it if it exists. Takes the database file identifier as an argument.", metavar='42')
parser.add_argument("filename", help="Name of file to write to / fetch from")
args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
conn = psycopg2.connect(db_conn_str)
curs = conn.cursor()
# Ensure DB structure is present
curs.execute("SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = %s AND table_name = %s", ('public','files'))
result = curs.fetchall()
if len(result) == 0:
# and run the command
# Reads the whole file into memory. If you want to avoid that,
# use large object storage instead of bytea; see the psycopg2
# and postgresql documentation.
f = open(args.filename,'rb')
# The following code works as-is in Python 3.
# In Python 2, you can't just pass a 'str' directly, as psycopg2
# will think it's an encoded text string, not raw bytes. You must
# either use psycopg2.Binary to wrap it, or load the data into a
# "bytearray" object.
# so either:
# filedata = psycopg2.Binary( )
# or
# filedata = buffer( )
filedata =
curs.execute("INSERT INTO files(id, orig_filename, file_data) VALUES (DEFAULT,%s,%s) RETURNING id", (args.filename, filedata))
returned_id = curs.fetchone()[0]
print("Stored {0} into DB record {1}".format(args.filename, returned_id))
elif args.fetch is not None:
# Fetches the file from the DB into memory then writes it out.
# Same as for store, to avoid that use a large object.
f = open(args.filename,'wb')
curs.execute("SELECT file_data, orig_filename FROM files WHERE id = %s", (int(args.fetch),))
(file_data, orig_filename) = curs.fetchone()
# In Python 3 this code works as-is.
# In Python 2, you must get the str from the returned buffer object.
print("Fetched {0} into file {1}; original filename was {2}".format(args.fetch, args.filename, orig_filename))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Ditulis dengan Python 3.3. Menggunakan Python 2.7 mengharuskan Anda membaca file dan mengonversinya menjadi buffer
objek atau menggunakan fungsi objek besar. Mengonversi ke Python 2.6 dan yang lebih lama memerlukan instalasi argparse, mungkin perubahan lain.
Anda ingin mengubah string koneksi database menjadi sesuatu yang cocok untuk sistem Anda jika Anda akan mengujinya.
Jika Anda bekerja dengan gambar besar, pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan psycopg2's dukungan objek besar
bukannya bytea
- khususnya, lo_import
untuk toko, lo_export
untuk menulis langsung ke file, dan objek besar membaca berfungsi untuk membaca potongan kecil gambar sekaligus.