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mengimplementasikan cache di luar proses menggunakan Redis di windows Azure

Jika Anda ingin murni di luar proses, maka itu cukup sederhana - sesuatu seperti berikut ini, tetapi perhatikan bahwa BookSleeve dirancang untuk dibagikan :ini sepenuhnya aman dan berfungsi sebagai multiplexer - Anda tidak boleh membuat/membuangnya untuk setiap panggilan. Perhatikan juga bahwa dalam konteks ini saya berasumsi Anda akan menangani serialisasi secara terpisah, jadi saya hanya mengekspos byte[] API:

class MyCache : IDisposable
    public void Dispose()
        var tmp = conn;
        conn = null;
        if (tmp != null)
    private RedisConnection conn;
    private readonly int db;
    public MyCache(string configuration = "", int db = 0)
        conn = ConnectionUtils.Connect(configuration);
        this.db = db;
        if (conn == null) throw new ArgumentException("It was not possible to connect to redis", "configuration");
    public byte[] Get(string key)
        return conn.Wait(conn.Strings.Get(db, key));
    public void Set(string key, byte[] value, int timeoutSeconds = 60)
        conn.Strings.Set(db, key, value, timeoutSeconds);

Apa yang membuat menarik adalah jika Anda menginginkan cache 2 tingkat - yaitu menggunakan memori lokal dan cache di luar proses, karena sekarang Anda memerlukan pembatalan cache. Pub/sub membuatnya berguna - berikut ini menunjukkan ini. Ini mungkin tidak jelas, tetapi ini akan melakukan lebih sedikit panggilan ke redis (Anda dapat menggunakan monitor untuk melihat ini) - karena sebagian besar permintaan ditangani dari cache lokal.

using BookSleeve;
using System;
using System.Runtime.Caching;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;

class MyCache : IDisposable
    public void Dispose()
        var tmp0 = conn;
        conn = null;
        if (tmp0 != null)

        var tmp1 = localCache;
        localCache = null;
        if (tmp1 != null)

        var tmp2 = sub;
        sub = null;
        if (tmp2 != null)

    private RedisSubscriberConnection sub;
    private RedisConnection conn;
    private readonly int db;
    private MemoryCache localCache;
    private readonly string cacheInvalidationChannel;
    public MyCache(string configuration = "", int db = 0)
        conn = ConnectionUtils.Connect(configuration);
        this.db = db;
        localCache = new MemoryCache("local:" + db.ToString());
        if (conn == null) throw new ArgumentException("It was not possible to connect to redis", "configuration");
        sub = conn.GetOpenSubscriberChannel();
        cacheInvalidationChannel = db.ToString() + ":inval"; // note that pub/sub is server-wide; use
                                                             // a channel per DB here
        sub.Subscribe(cacheInvalidationChannel, Invalidate);   

    private void Invalidate(string channel, byte[] payload)
        string key = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(payload);
        var tmp = localCache;
        if (tmp != null) tmp.Remove(key);
    private static readonly object nix = new object();
    public byte[] Get(string key)
        // try local, noting the "nix" sentinel value
        object found = localCache[key];
        if (found != null)
            return found == nix ? null : (byte[])found;

        // fetch and store locally
        byte[] blob = conn.Wait(conn.Strings.Get(db, key));
        localCache[key] = blob ?? nix;
        return blob;

    public void Set(string key, byte[] value, int timeoutSeconds = 60, bool broadcastInvalidation = true)
        localCache[key] = value;
        conn.Strings.Set(db, key, value, timeoutSeconds);
        if (broadcastInvalidation)
            conn.Publish(cacheInvalidationChannel, key);

static class Program
    static void ShowResult(MyCache cache0, MyCache cache1, string key, string caption)
        byte[] blob0 = cache0.Get(key), blob1 = cache1.Get(key);
        Console.WriteLine("{0} vs {1}",
            blob0 == null ? "(null)" : Encoding.UTF8.GetString(blob0),
            blob1 == null ? "(null)" : Encoding.UTF8.GetString(blob1)
    public static void Main()
        MyCache cache0 = new MyCache(), cache1 = new MyCache();
        string someRandomKey = "key" + new Random().Next().ToString();
        ShowResult(cache0, cache1, someRandomKey, "Initially");
        cache0.Set(someRandomKey, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("hello"));
        Thread.Sleep(10); // the pub/sub is fast, but not *instant*
        ShowResult(cache0, cache1, someRandomKey, "Write to 0");
        cache1.Set(someRandomKey, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("world"));
        Thread.Sleep(10); // the pub/sub is fast, but not *instant*
        ShowResult(cache0, cache1, someRandomKey, "Write to 1");

Perhatikan bahwa dalam implementasi penuh Anda mungkin ingin menangani koneksi yang terputus sesekali, dengan koneksi ulang yang sedikit tertunda, dll.

  1. Redis
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  7. HBase
  9. CouchDB
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