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UNION 2 Select-queries dengan kolom yang dihitung

Saya pikir ide utamanya adalah mendapatkan daftar printer yang Anda inginkan:

select PrinterGUID
from ((select cm.PrinterGUID
       from computermapping cm
       where cm.ComputerGUID = '5bec3779-b002-46ba-97c4-19158c13001f'
      ) union -- to remove duplicates
      (select PrinterGUID
       from usermapping um
       where um.UserGUID = 'd3cf699b-8d71-4dbc-92f3-402950042054'
     ) p;

Kemudian Anda dapat menggunakan exists untuk melihat apakah ini defaultnya:

select p.PrinterGUID,
       (exists (select 1
                from computerdefaultprinter cdp
                where cdp.PrinterGUID = p.PrinterGUID and
                      cdp.ComputerGUID = '5bec3779-b002-46ba-97c4-19158c13001f'
       ) as is_computer_default,
       (exists (select 1
                from userdefaultprinter udp
                where udp.PrinterGUID = p.PrinterGUID AND
                      udp.UserGUID = 'd3cf699b-8d71-4dbc-92f3-402950042054'
      ) as is_user_default
from ((select cm.PrinterGUID
       from computermapping cm
       where cm.ComputerGUID = '5bec3779-b002-46ba-97c4-19158c13001f'
      ) union -- to remove duplicates
      (select PrinterGUID
       from usermapping um
       where um.UserGUID = 'd3cf699b-8d71-4dbc-92f3-402950042054'
     ) p;

Di sini adalah db<>biola.

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
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  4. cara menghitung kesamaan antara dua string di MYSQL

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