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buat spreadsheet excel yang diformat dengan data MySQL dan PHP menggunakan tabel

kode Anda hanya mengambil data dari MySQL dan tidak membuat file excel apa pun.

di sini Anda adalah kelas yang hebat untuk membuat file execl

dengan kode XML murni tanpa ekstensi apa pun


/* Code By Mr Korosh Raoufi     */
/* WwW.k2-4u.CoM                */

 * Simple excel generating from PHP5
 * @package Utilities
 * @license
 * @author Oliver Schwarz <[email protected]>
 * @version 1.0

 * Generating excel documents on-the-fly from PHP5
 * Uses the excel XML-specification to generate a native
 * XML document, readable/processable by excel.
 * @package Utilities
 * @subpackage Excel
 * @author Oliver Schwarz <[email protected]>
 * @version 1.1
 * @todo Issue #4: Internet Explorer 7 does not work well with the given header
 * @todo Add option to give out first line as header (bold text)
 * @todo Add option to give out last line as footer (bold text)
 * @todo Add option to write to file
class Excel_XML

     * Header (of document)
     * @var string
        private $header = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"%s\"?\>\n<Workbook xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet\" xmlns:x=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\" xmlns:ss=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet\" xmlns:html=\"\">";

         * Footer (of document)
         * @var string
        private $footer = "</Workbook>";

         * Lines to output in the excel document
         * @var array
        private $lines = array();

         * Used encoding
         * @var string
        private $sEncoding;

         * Convert variable types
         * @var boolean
        private $bConvertTypes;

         * Worksheet title
         * @var string
        private $sWorksheetTitle;

         * Constructor
         * The constructor allows the setting of some additional
         * parameters so that the library may be configured to
         * one's needs.
         * On converting types:
         * When set to true, the library tries to identify the type of
         * the variable value and set the field specification for Excel
         * accordingly. Be careful with article numbers or postcodes
         * starting with a '0' (zero)!
         * @param string $sEncoding Encoding to be used (defaults to UTF-8)
         * @param boolean $bConvertTypes Convert variables to field specification
         * @param string $sWorksheetTitle Title for the worksheet
        public function __construct($sEncoding = 'UTF-8', $bConvertTypes = false, $sWorksheetTitle = 'Table1')
                $this->bConvertTypes = $bConvertTypes;

         * Set encoding
         * @param string Encoding type to set
        public function setEncoding($sEncoding)
            $this->sEncoding = $sEncoding;

         * Set worksheet title
         * Strips out not allowed characters and trims the
         * title to a maximum length of 31.
         * @param string $title Title for worksheet
        public function setWorksheetTitle ($title)
                $title = preg_replace ("/[\\\|:|\/|\?|\*|\[|\]]/", "", $title);
                $title = substr ($title, 0, 31);
                $this->sWorksheetTitle = $title;

         * Add row
         * Adds a single row to the document. If set to true, self::bConvertTypes
         * checks the type of variable and returns the specific field settings
         * for the cell.
         * @param array $array One-dimensional array with row content
        private function addRow ($array)
            $cells = "";
                foreach ($array as $k => $v):
                        $type = 'String';
                        if ($this->bConvertTypes === true && is_numeric($v)):
                                $type = 'Number';
                        $v = htmlentities($v, ENT_COMPAT, $this->sEncoding);
                        $cells .= "<Cell><Data ss:Type=\"$type\">" . $v . "</Data></Cell>\n"; 
                $this->lines[] = "<Row>\n" . $cells . "</Row>\n";

         * Add an array to the document
         * @param array 2-dimensional array
        public function addArray ($array)
                foreach ($array as $k => $v)
                        $this->addRow ($v);

         * Generate the excel file
         * @param string $filename Name of excel file to generate (...xls)
        public function generateXML ($filename = 'excel-export')
                // correct/validate filename
                $filename = preg_replace('/[^aA-zZ0-9\_\-]/', '', $filename);

                // deliver header (as recommended in php manual)
                header("Content-Type: application/; charset=" . $this->sEncoding);
                header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"" . $filename . ".xls\"");

                // print out document to the browser
                // need to use stripslashes for the damn ">"
                echo stripslashes (sprintf($this->header, $this->sEncoding));
                echo "\n<Worksheet ss:Name=\"" . $this->sWorksheetTitle . "\">\n<Table>\n";
                foreach ($this->lines as $line)
                        echo $line;

                echo "</Table>\n</Worksheet>\n";
                echo $this->footer;




$xls = new Excel_XML('UTF-8', false, 'title text');

$data = array(
    1 => array ('column1 text', 'coloumn2 text'),
    1 => array ('column1 text', 'coloumn2 text'),
    1 => array ('column1 text', 'coloumn2 text'),

$xls -> addArray($data);
$xls -> generateXML('file Name');  // its print code to browser use requred header to download

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
  1. mysql di mana string diakhiri dengan angka

  2. Pilih semua bulan dalam rentang tanggal tertentu, termasuk yang memiliki nilai 0

  3. Manajemen inventaris dengan opsi saham

  4. Tidak ada cukup koneksi idle di kumpulan Tomcat JDBC

  5. Permintaan MySQL, 3 tabel, t1-t2 lalu perbarui t3. Bagaimana saya bisa melakukan ini dengan cara yang paling efisien?