 sql >> Teknologi Basis Data >  >> RDS >> Mysql

Desain basis data / struktur normalisasi harus berisi AND, OR, elemen opsional dan hubungannya

Pendekatan pertama yang sangat sederhana hanya akan menggunakan 4 tabel:

TABLE Course 
( CourseId 
, Title 
, TotalCredits 
, ... other stuff
, PRIMARY KEY (CourseId)
) ;

TABLE Module 
( ModuleId 
, Description 
, Hours
, Credits
, ... other stuff
, PRIMARY KEY (ModuleId)
) ;

dan kombinasi yang diizinkan melalui 2:

TABLE Course_Module 
( CourseID                 --- for this course
, ModuleID                 --- this module is allowed (optional or mandatory)
, PRIMARY KEY (CourseID, ModuleId)
, FOREIGN KEY (CourseId) 
    REFERENCES Course (CourseId)
, FOREIGN KEY (ModuleId)
    REFERENCES Module (ModuleId)
) ;

TABLE Course_MandatoryModule 
( CourseID                  --- for this course
, ModuleID                  --- this module is mandatory
, PRIMARY KEY (CourseID, ModuleId)
, FOREIGN KEY (CourseID, ModuleId)
    REFERENCES Course_Module (CourseID, ModuleId)
) ;

Sekarang, jika kombinasi modul dan kursus yang Anda izinkan lebih rumit, seperti yang disarankan oleh deskripsi Anda, alih-alih Course_Module dan Course_MandatoryModule tabel Anda dapat mendefinisikan model hierarki yang kompleks:


TABLE Course                        --- same as previous model
( CourseId 
, Title 
, TotalCredits 
, ... other stuff
, PRIMARY KEY (CourseId)
) ;

Modul dan grup (modul):

TABLE ModuleEntity                  --- the supertype for both
( ModuleEntityId                    --- modules and group of modules
, PRIMARY KEY (ModuleEntityId)
) ;

TABLE Module                        --- subtype
( ModuleId 
, Description 
, Hours
, Credits
, ... other stuff
, PRIMARY KEY (ModuleId)
, FOREIGN KEY (ModuleId) 
    REFERENCES ModuleEntity (ModuleEntityId)
) ;

TABLE ModuleGroup                  --- group of modules
( ModuleGroupId                    --- subtype of the supertype (entity)
, GroupDescription        
, PRIMARY KEY (ModuleGroupId)
, FOREIGN KEY (ModuleGroupId) 
    REFERENCES ModuleEntity (ModuleEntityId)
) ;

dan hubungan (modul milik grup):

TABLE Module_in_Group  
( ModuleEntityId               --- this module or group
, ModuleGroupId                --- is in this group
, PRIMARY KEY (ModuleEntityId, ModuleGroupID)
, FOREIGN KEY (ModuleEntityId)
    REFERENCES ModuleEntity (ModuleEntityId)
, FOREIGN KEY (ModuleGroupId)
    REFERENCES ModuleGroup (ModuleGroupId)
) ;

dan (akhirnya) kursus dapat memiliki kumpulan modul:

TABLE Course_ModuleGroup
( CourseId                 --- for this course
, ModuleGroupId            --- this module group is allowed
, PRIMARY KEY (CourseID, ModuleGroupId)
, FOREIGN KEY (CourseId) 
    REFERENCES Course (CourseId)
, FOREIGN KEY (ModuleGroupId)
    REFERENCES ModuleGroup (ModuleGroupId)
) ;

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
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