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SQL INSERT tetapi hindari duplikat

EDIT :untuk mencegah kondisi balapan di lingkungan bersamaan, gunakan WITH (UPDLOCK) di subquery yang berkorelasi atau EXCEPT 'd SELECT . Skrip pengujian yang saya tulis di bawah ini tidak memerlukannya, karena menggunakan tabel sementara yang hanya dapat dilihat oleh koneksi saat ini, tetapi dalam lingkungan nyata, yang beroperasi terhadap tabel pengguna, itu akan diperlukan.

MERGE tidak memerlukan UPDLOCK .

Terinspirasi oleh jawaban mcl re:indeks unik &biarkan database membuat kesalahan, saya memutuskan untuk membandingkan sisipan bersyarat vs. coba/tangkap .

Hasilnya tampaknya mendukung penyisipan bersyarat melalui coba/tangkap, tetapi YMMV. Ini adalah skenario yang sangat sederhana (satu kolom, tabel kecil, dll), dieksekusi pada satu mesin, dll.

Berikut adalah hasilnya (SQL Server 2008, build 10.0.1600.2):

duplicates (short table)    
  try/catch:                14440 milliseconds / 100000 inserts
  conditional insert:        2983 milliseconds / 100000 inserts
  except:                    2966 milliseconds / 100000 inserts
  merge:                     2983 milliseconds / 100000 inserts

  try/catch:                 3920 milliseconds / 100000 inserts
  conditional insert:        3860 milliseconds / 100000 inserts
  except:                    3873 milliseconds / 100000 inserts
  merge:                     3890 milliseconds / 100000 inserts

  straight insert:           3173 milliseconds / 100000 inserts

duplicates (tall table)
  try/catch:                14436 milliseconds / 100000 inserts
  conditional insert:        3063 milliseconds / 100000 inserts
  except:                    3063 milliseconds / 100000 inserts
  merge:                     3030 milliseconds / 100000 inserts

Perhatikan, bahkan pada sisipan unik, ada sedikit lebih banyak overhead untuk dicoba/tangkap daripada penyisipan bersyarat. Saya ingin tahu apakah ini bervariasi menurut versi, CPU, jumlah inti, dll.

Saya tidak membandingkan IF sisipan bersyarat, cukup WHERE . Saya berasumsi IF variasi akan menunjukkan lebih banyak overhead, karena a) apakah Anda akan memiliki dua pernyataan, dan b) Anda perlu membungkus dua pernyataan dalam suatu transaksi dan mengatur tingkat isolasi ke serializable (!). Jika seseorang ingin untuk menguji ini, Anda perlu mengubah tabel temp menjadi tabel pengguna biasa (serializable tidak berlaku untuk tabel temp lokal).

Berikut scriptnya:

-- tested on SQL 2008.
-- to run on SQL 2005, comment out the statements using MERGE
set nocount on

if object_id('tempdb..#temp') is not null drop table #temp
create table #temp (col1 int primary key)


-- duplicate insert test against a table w/ 1 record


insert #temp values (1)

declare @x int, @y int, @now datetime, @duration int
select @x = 1, @y = 0, @now = getdate()
while @y < 100000 begin
  set @y = @y+1
  begin try 
    insert #temp select @x
  end try
  begin catch end catch
set @duration = datediff(ms,@now,getdate())
raiserror('duplicates (short table), try/catch: %i milliseconds / %i inserts',-1,-1,@duration,@y) with nowait

declare @x int, @y int, @now datetime, @duration int
select @x = 1, @y = 0, @now = getdate()
while @y < 100000 begin
  set @y = @y+1
  insert #temp select @x where not exists (select * from #temp where col1 = @x)
set @duration = datediff(ms,@now,getdate())
raiserror('duplicates (short table), conditional insert: %i milliseconds / %i inserts',-1,-1,@duration, @y) with nowait

declare @x int, @y int, @now datetime, @duration int
select @x = 1, @y = 0, @now = getdate()
while @y < 100000 begin
  set @y = @y+1
  insert #temp select @x except select col1 from #temp
set @duration = datediff(ms,@now,getdate())
raiserror('duplicates (short table), except: %i milliseconds / %i inserts',-1,-1,@duration, @y) with nowait

-- comment this batch out for SQL 2005
declare @x int, @y int, @now datetime, @duration int
select @x = 1, @y = 0, @now = getdate()
while @y < 100000 begin
  set @y = @y+1
  merge #temp t using (select @x) s (col1) on t.col1 = s.col1 when not matched by target then insert values (col1);
set @duration = datediff(ms,@now,getdate())
raiserror('duplicates (short table), merge: %i milliseconds / %i inserts',-1,-1,@duration, @y) with nowait


-- unique insert test against an initially empty table


truncate table #temp
declare @x int, @now datetime, @duration int
select @x = 0, @now = getdate()
while @x < 100000 begin
  set @x = @x+1
  insert #temp select @x
set @duration = datediff(ms,@now,getdate())
raiserror('uniques, straight insert: %i milliseconds / %i inserts',-1,-1,@duration, @x) with nowait

truncate table #temp
declare @x int, @now datetime, @duration int
select @x = 0, @now = getdate()
while @x < 100000 begin
  set @x = @x+1
  begin try 
    insert #temp select @x
  end try
  begin catch end catch
set @duration = datediff(ms,@now,getdate())
raiserror('uniques, try/catch: %i milliseconds / %i inserts',-1,-1,@duration, @x) with nowait

truncate table #temp
declare @x int, @now datetime, @duration int
select @x = 0, @now = getdate()
while @x < 100000 begin
  set @x = @x+1
  insert #temp select @x where not exists (select * from #temp where col1 = @x)
set @duration = datediff(ms,@now,getdate())
raiserror('uniques, conditional insert: %i milliseconds / %i inserts',-1,-1,@duration, @x) with nowait

truncate table #temp
declare @x int, @now datetime, @duration int
select @x = 0, @now = getdate()
while @x < 100000 begin
  set @x = @x+1
  insert #temp select @x except select col1 from #temp
set @duration = datediff(ms,@now,getdate())
raiserror('uniques, except: %i milliseconds / %i inserts',-1,-1,@duration, @x) with nowait

-- comment this batch out for SQL 2005
truncate table #temp
declare @x int, @now datetime, @duration int
select @x = 1, @now = getdate()
while @x < 100000 begin
  set @x = @x+1
  merge #temp t using (select @x) s (col1) on t.col1 = s.col1 when not matched by target then insert values (col1);
set @duration = datediff(ms,@now,getdate())
raiserror('uniques, merge: %i milliseconds / %i inserts',-1,-1,@duration, @x) with nowait


-- duplicate insert test against a table w/ 100000 records


declare @x int, @y int, @now datetime, @duration int
select @x = 1, @y = 0, @now = getdate()
while @y < 100000 begin
  set @y = @y+1
  begin try 
    insert #temp select @x
  end try
  begin catch end catch
set @duration = datediff(ms,@now,getdate())
raiserror('duplicates (tall table), try/catch: %i milliseconds / %i inserts',-1,-1,@duration,@y) with nowait

declare @x int, @y int, @now datetime, @duration int
select @x = 1, @y = 0, @now = getdate()
while @y < 100000 begin
  set @y = @y+1
  insert #temp select @x where not exists (select * from #temp where col1 = @x)
set @duration = datediff(ms,@now,getdate())
raiserror('duplicates (tall table), conditional insert: %i milliseconds / %i inserts',-1,-1,@duration, @y) with nowait

declare @x int, @y int, @now datetime, @duration int
select @x = 1, @y = 0, @now = getdate()
while @y < 100000 begin
  set @y = @y+1
  insert #temp select @x except select col1 from #temp
set @duration = datediff(ms,@now,getdate())
raiserror('duplicates (tall table), except: %i milliseconds / %i inserts',-1,-1,@duration, @y) with nowait

-- comment this batch out for SQL 2005
declare @x int, @y int, @now datetime, @duration int
select @x = 1, @y = 0, @now = getdate()
while @y < 100000 begin
  set @y = @y+1
  merge #temp t using (select @x) s (col1) on t.col1 = s.col1 when not matched by target then insert values (col1);
set @duration = datediff(ms,@now,getdate())
raiserror('duplicates (tall table), merge: %i milliseconds / %i inserts',-1,-1,@duration, @y) with nowait

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
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