Dari versi awal pertanyaan Anda, sepertinya XML Anda sebenarnya ada di baris yang berbeda dalam sebuah tabel. Jika demikian, Anda dapat menggunakan ini.
update YourTable set
XMLText.modify('replace value of (/Identification/@Age)[1] with "40"')
where XMLText.value('(/Identification/@Age)[1]', 'int') = 30
Contoh kerja menggunakan variabel tabel.
declare @T table(XMLText xml)
insert into @T values('<Identification Name="John" Family="Brown" Age="30" />')
insert into @T values('<Identification Name="Smith" Family="Johnson" Age="35" />')
insert into @T values('<Identification Name="Jessy" Family="Albert" Age="60" />')
insert into @T values('<Identification Name="Mike" Family="Brown" Age="23" />')
insert into @T values('<Identification Name="Sarah" Family="Johnson" Age="30" />')
update @T set
XMLText.modify('replace value of (/Identification/@Age)[1] with "40"')
where XMLText.value('(/Identification/@Age)[1]', 'int') = 30
select *
from @T