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Postgres SQL Query untuk Meringkas Data Kesalahan

Saya harap memahami kueri dan tabel struktur Anda dan kueri di bawah ini membantu Anda.

Anda dapat melihat tabel struktur dan hasil kueri saya:dbfiddle

Tanpa agregat:

with allow_category as (select unnest(array [
    ]::text[]) category)
select distinct ctextid,
                initcap(kcy.key)                                                   as typeofcorrection,
                initcap(regexp_replace(kc.key, '([a-z])([A-Z])', '\1 \2', 'g'))    as errorpara,
                case when f ? 'from' then f -> 'from' ->> 'code' else '' end       as oldvalue,
                case when f ? 'to' then f -> 'to' ->> 'code' else f ->> 'code' end as newvalue
from qareport q
         cross join jsonb_each(q.codemap) as kc
         cross join jsonb_each(kc.value) as kcy
         join jsonb_array_elements(kcy.value) f on true
where kc.key in (select * from allow_category)
  and kcy.key in ('added', 'revised', 'removed')
  and (
        jsonb_array_length(kc.value -> 'added') > 0
        or jsonb_array_length(kc.value -> 'revised') > 0
        or jsonb_array_length(kc.value -> 'removed') > 0

Dengan agregat:

with allow_category as (select unnest(array [
    ]::text[]) category)
select distinct ctextid,
                initcap(kcy.key)                                                   as typeofcorrection,
                initcap(regexp_replace(kc.key, '([a-z])([A-Z])', '\1 \2', 'g'))    as errorpara,
                case when f ? 'from' then f -> 'from' ->> 'code' else '' end       as oldvalue,
                    when f ? 'to' then f -> 'to' ->> 'code'
                    else string_agg(f ->> 'code', ',')
                         over (partition by ctextid, vbillid, kcy.key, kc.key) end as newvalue
from qareport q
         cross join jsonb_each(q.codemap) as kc
         cross join jsonb_each(kc.value) as kcy
         join jsonb_array_elements(kcy.value) f on true
where kc.key in (select * from allow_category)
  and kcy.key in ('added', 'revised', 'removed')
  and (
        jsonb_array_length(kc.value -> 'added') > 0
        or jsonb_array_length(kc.value -> 'revised') > 0
        or jsonb_array_length(kc.value -> 'removed') > 0

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
  1. gabungkan dua tabel berbeda dan hapus entri yang digandakan

  2. Apa arti regclass di Postgresql

  3. Array PHP ke array postgres

  4. Kesalahan otentikasi saat menghubungkan ke database Heroku PostgreSQL

  5. Cara terbaik untuk mempelajari prosedur tersimpan PostgreSQL?