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Masalah dengan JOOQ json binding

Kode kerja

public class PostgresJSONGsonBinding implements Binding<Object, JsonElement> {
    // Binding <T> = Object (unknown JDBC type), and <U> = JsonElement (user type)

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PostgresJSONGsonBinding.class);

    // The converter does all the work
    public Converter<Object, JsonElement> converter() {
        return new Converter<Object, JsonElement>() {

            //Convert a database object to a user object
            public JsonElement from(Object t) {
                return t == null ? JsonNull.INSTANCE : new Gson().fromJson(t.toString(), JsonElement.class);

            // Convert a user object to a database object
            public Object to(JsonElement u) {
                return u == null || u == JsonNull.INSTANCE ? null : new Gson().toJson(u);

            public Class<Object> fromType() {
                return Object.class;

            public Class<JsonElement> toType() {
                return JsonElement.class;

    // Rending a bind variable for the binding context's value and casting it to the json type
    public void sql(BindingSQLContext<JsonElement> ctx) throws SQLException {
        // Depending on how you generate your SQL, you may need to explicitly distinguish
        // between jOOQ generating bind variables or inlined literals.
        if (ctx.render().paramType() == ParamType.INLINED){

    // Registering VARCHAR types for JDBC CallableStatement OUT parameters
    public void register(BindingRegisterContext<JsonElement> ctx) throws SQLException {
        ctx.statement().registerOutParameter(ctx.index(), Types.VARCHAR);

    // Converting the JsonElement to a String value and setting that on a JDBC PreparedStatement
    public void set(BindingSetStatementContext<JsonElement> ctx) throws SQLException {
        ctx.statement().setString(ctx.index(), Objects.toString(ctx.convert(converter()).value(), null));

    // Getting a String value from a JDBC ResultSet and converting that to a JsonElement
    public void get(BindingGetResultSetContext<JsonElement> ctx) throws SQLException {

    // Getting a String value from a JDBC CallableStatement and converting that to a JsonElement
    public void get(BindingGetStatementContext<JsonElement> ctx) throws SQLException {

    // Setting a value on a JDBC SQLOutput (useful for Oracle OBJECT types)
    public void set(BindingSetSQLOutputContext<JsonElement> ctx) throws SQLException {
        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException();

    // Getting a value from a JDBC SQLInput (useful for Oracle OBJECT types)
    public void get(BindingGetSQLInputContext<JsonElement> ctx) throws SQLException {
        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException();

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
  1. Slide pembicaraan:Peningkatan Partisi di PostgreSQL 11

  2. db postgres lokal terus memberikan kesalahan nilai kunci duplikat melanggar batasan unik

  3. Bagaimana Cot() Bekerja di PostgreSQL

  4. Perbarui bagian (nomor pesanan) yang merupakan kunci utama di Postgres

  5. Mendapatkan semua kueri yang dijalankan Django di postgresql