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Untuk membiarkan, tidak bertambah jika ada item yang sama dalam array

Saya tahu ini sudah lama, tetapi ini mungkin masih membantu Anda (atau mungkin orang lain), jadi...

Mungkin Anda bisa mencoba ini:

var newValue = 1;
var newSerialcode = req.body.serialCode; 
var newBloodgroup = req.body.blood_group; 
var newGetbloodcomponent = req.body.blood_component; 

Bloodinventory.find({ blood_component : { $in : newGetbloodcomponent} ,blood_group: { $in :newBloodgroup},chapter: { $in: [id] }}, function(err, bloodinventoryDocs) {

    for(let bloodinventory of bloodinventoryDocs) {
        // === change starts here === //
            // filter into a new array all the places where this particular blood component occurs
            let all_occurences = newGetbloodcomponent.filter(function(b){
                return b === bloodinventory.blood_component;

            // to avoid incurring unnecessary processing and/or database costs, only continue if an occurence was actually found
            if(all_occurences.length > 0){
                // increment it by that amount (which will be the number of items filtered into the array)
                bloodinventory.num_stock = bloodinventory.num_stock + all_occurences.length;
                // ^^ you could also write this as 'bloodinventory.num_stock += all_occurences.length;'
                    if (err) {
                    } else {
        // === change ends here === //

  1. Redis
  3. MongoDB
  5. Memcached
  7. HBase
  9. CouchDB
  1. 4 Cara Menghapus Dokumen di MongoDB

  2. MongoDB $lantai

  3. Runtime mengubah model dengan mongodb/mongoid

  4. Kompresi Awalan Indeks di MongoDB 3.0 WiredTiger

  5. kueri mengembalikan jumlah item dalam koleksi tersemat mongodb