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Skema jam buka MongoDB

Terima kasih, Yeggeps, untuk daftar persyaratannya.

Ini adalah jawaban yang direvisi berdasarkan kebutuhan Anda. Tentu saja tidak ada cawan suci untuk skema, tetapi saya ingin memotivasi jawaban saya sebelum revisi (menjaga struktur datar mudah untuk ditanyakan dan dipelihara) dengan beberapa data sampel + kueri berdasarkan daftar kebutuhan Anda. Saya tegaskan, saya tidak mengatakan ini adalah solusi terbaik, tetapi ini adalah a solusi yang mudah untuk ditanyakan dan mudah dirawat (imho).

Kode sedikit cepat dan kotor, mohon maaf. Datanya:

  # library "lib1" open on wednesdays from 8:00 until 17:00
  {"lib_id" => "lib1", "type" => "hours", "opening" => 800, "closing" => 1700, "day_of_week" => 3},
  # library "lib1" open on wednesdays from 19:00 until 22:15
  {"lib_id" => "lib1", "type" => "hours", "opening" => 1900, "closing" => 2215, "day_of_week" => 3},
  {"lib_id" => "lib1", "type" => "hours", "opening" => 800, "closing" => 1700, "day_of_week" => 4},
  {"lib_id" => "lib2", "type" => "hours", "opening" => 1100, "closing" => 1700, "day_of_week" => 3},
  {"lib_id" => "lib2", "type" => "hours", "opening" => 1400, "closing" => 1700, "day_of_week" => 4},
  {"lib_id" => "lib2", "type" => "hours", "opening" => 1900, "closing" => 2100, "day_of_week" => 4},
  # library lib1 closed on wednesday december 7th 2011
  {"lib_id" => "lib1", "type" => "closed_on", "reason" => "Rearranging the shelves", "closed_date" => Time.utc(2011, 12, 8)},
  {"lib_id" => "lib2", "type" => "closed_on", "reason" => "We are closed for the holidays", "closed_date" => Time.utc(2011, 12, 7)}
].each do |schedule|

Tampilkan jam buka dan tanggal luar biasa secara terpisah:

# List all the library id's distinctly
coll.distinct("lib_id").each do |lib_id|
  puts "\nLibrary #{lib_id} opening hours:\n--- "
  # I need to be able to show the opening hours in correlation with the Library
  # Find all the opening hour information for current library
  coll.find({"lib_id" => lib_id, "type" => "hours"}).each do |schedule|
    puts " #{Date::DAYNAMES[schedule["day_of_week"]]}s: #{schedule["opening"]} - #{schedule["closing"]}" if schedule["type"] == "hours"

  # I need to show an indication if it's open or closed in correlation with the Library.
  puts "This library will be closed on: "
  # Find all the exceptions for current lib_id -- introduce a time-period restriction using Date.utc (...)
  coll.find({"lib_id" => lib_id, "type" => "closed_on"}).each do |closed|
    puts " #{closed["closed_date"].strftime("%a %B%e, %Y")}: #{closed["reason"]}"

Perpustakaan mana yang buka hari ini?

# I need to be able to query on what's open right now or some time in the future with minute granularity
# here I'll also need to be able to exclude the Librarys that has added exceptions for the given time/day
puts "---"
qtime = ( * 100) + # minute granularity
qwday =  # this example only shows today
qclosed = Time.utc(,,
# Query for all library ids which have opening times for this weekday, at this hour (+minutes)
coll.find({"opening" => {"$lte" => qtime}, "closing" => {"$gte" => qtime}, "day_of_week" => qwday}, {:fields => "lib_id"}).each do |lib|
  # Check whether current library has an exception for this specific day
  closed = coll.find_one({"lib_id" => lib["lib_id"], "closed_date" => qclosed})
  if closed
    # If an exception record was encountered, print the reason
    puts "Library #{lib["lib_id"]} is normally open right now, but is now closed: '#{closed["reason"]}'"
    # Else: the library is open
    puts "Library #{lib["lib_id"]} is open right now! (#{"%a %B%e %Y, %H:%M")})"

Menghasilkan output sebagai berikut:

Library lib1 opening hours:
 Wednesdays: 800 - 1700
 Wednesdays: 1900 - 2215
 Thursdays: 800 - 1700
This library will be closed on: 
 Thu December 8, 2011: Rearranging the shelves

Library lib2 opening hours:
 Wednesdays: 1100 - 1700
 Thursdays: 1400 - 1700
 Thursdays: 1900 - 2100
This library will be closed on: 
 Wed December 7, 2011: We are closed for the holidays
Library lib1 is open right now! (Wed December 7 2011, 13:12)
Library lib2 is normally open right now, but is now closed: 'We are closed for the holidays'

Diakui, kelemahan dari solusi yang saya usulkan adalah tidak mencakup setiap persyaratan dalam satu kueri.

  1. Redis
  3. MongoDB
  5. Memcached
  7. HBase
  9. CouchDB
  1. MongoDB MapReduce:Tidak berfungsi seperti yang diharapkan untuk lebih dari 1000 catatan

  2. Kunci tidak boleh berisi . kesalahan dalam pymongo

  3. Bagaimana MongoDB menangani pembaruan bersamaan?

  4. Aplikasi Laravel tidak berjalan di xampp atau server langsung tetapi berfungsi dengan baik di php artisan serve

  5. Konversi bidang MongoDB dari String ke ISODate dalam array