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API E-Commerce Dibuat Dengan Node-Js, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, Redis, dan Kafka


API E-niaga dibuat dengan TypeScript, express, PostgreSQL, Redis &Kafka dengan semua fitur dasar dan banyak lagi !!

Kode Sumber -

Variabel lingkungan

PORT = 4000
DB_HOST = postgresdb
DB_PORT = 5432
DB_DATABASE = e_commerce
SESSION_SECRET = Session Secret
SESSION_MAXAGE = 3600000 * 60 * 10
GMAIL_USER = email // eg:(test123)
GMAIL_PASS = Gmail password
STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY = Stripe public Key
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = Stripe Private Key

Bangun buruh pelabuhan

docker-compose up // in the root dir

Siapkan Postgres, Redis &Kafka

*Postgres *

docker exec -it postgresdb psql -U username -W e_commerce

Salin dan tempel file db.sql dari db_model

*Redis *

docker exec -it redis-e-commerce bash -c redis-cli

rekatkan perintah ini

BF.RESERVE usernames 0.00001 10000


docker exec -it broker bash
kafka-topics --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --replication-factor 1  --partitions 1  --topic orders

Dengan ini, pengaturan kami selesai, semua rute Api adalah

1. /api/store                       GET     Access the Store
2. /api/auth/register               POST    Register a User
3. /api/auth/login                  POST    Login A user
4. /api/auth/logout                 POST    Logout A User
5. /api/auth/forgotpassword         POST    Req For Password Reset
6. /api/auth/reset-password/        POST    Resets The Password
7. /api/verify                      GET     Verify The Email
8. /api/admin/product               POST    Insert A Product
9. /api/admin/product/:id           PUT     Update Product
10. /api/admin/product/:id          DELETE  Delete A Product
11. /api/admin/stock/:id            PUT     Update Stock
12. /api/admin/discount/:pid        GET     Get Discount of a Product
13. /api/admin/add_discount/:id     POST    Add Discount to a product
14. /api/admin/activate/:id         GET     Activate Discount
15. /api/manager/orders             GET     Gets Order
16. /api/manager/order/:orderid     GET     Get Individual Order Detailes
17. /api/shipper/updateorder/:oid   POST    Sents Confirm Order Request
18. /api/order/confirmdelivery      POST    User Confirms Delivery
19. /api/products                   GET     Get Products
20. /api/products/:pid              GET     Get Individual product
21. /api/checkusername              POST    Checks If Username is Taken
22. /api/ratings/:pid               GET     Get Rating
23. /api/ratings/:pid               POST    Add Rating To Product
24. /api/ratings/:pid               PUT     Update Rating
25. /api/ratings/:pid               DELETE  Delete Rating
26. /api/cart                       GET     Get Cart Items
27. /api/addItem/:pid               POST    Add Item To Cart
28. /api/removeItem/:pid            DELETE  DEL Item In Cart
29. /api/purchase                   POST    Purachse Item
30. /api/userAddress                POST    Add User Address
31. /api/userAddress                DELETE  DEL User Address
32. /api/userAddress                PUT     Update User Address

Rincian lebih lanjut tentang rute disediakan dalam dokumentasi 👉

Kode Sumber :

Terima kasih atas waktunya...😁

  1. Redis
  3. MongoDB
  5. Memcached
  7. HBase
  9. CouchDB
  1. Waktu fungsi Google Cloud habis saat menghubungkan ke Redis di IP internal Compute Engine

  2. Spring RedisTemplate :Serialise beberapa kelas Model ke JSON.Perlu menggunakan Multiple RedisTemplates?

  3. Menerapkan ScaleGrid DBaaS untuk Redis™ di AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

  4. Algoritma pencocokan pengguna

  5. Apakah ada perintah di Redis untuk struktur data HASH yang mirip dengan MGET?